Day 1 of Korea

By | 1/10/2016 Leave a Comment
Day 1

Itinerary for the day:
Provence village
Little France
Mount Sorak Ski Resort 

Day 1 Annyeonghaseyo Korea!

To reach Korea, we took a ride on Korean Air.The seats are comfy and i found the leg room okay. However, i got bored on the variety of the movies on the plane.

 *PSST* the rumors are true. The air stewardess on board are SOOO pretty. They have the most luminous looking skin and their hair looks straight outta a salon. Word. I like their uniform. In my opinion, i find the uniform is so much better looking then Singapore airlines. Just find it classier.

Pic credits to

After a 6 hours 30 min ride, we finally reached the land of beauty products. When we reached there the temperature was around -3/-6 degrees. Very cold for a Singaporean used to sunny Singapore.

I was peeved by the travelling agent. Why?

1. When we reached Korea, there was no agent there waiting with a signage. We were like left hanging looking for a person with a sign ( to show he/she was our tour leader). The lady was very late and when we had finally congregate and found her (we had to find her) we were missing a couple. I don't like the way how she just told somebody to go and get the missing couple instead of getting them herself.

2. If you know English and don't understand Chinese. Word of advice: Don't get the tour. We were told that the tour leaders know abit of English. Bullshit.

There was a couple that didn't understand Chinese. Throughout the tour, it was like we were their translators. The tour leader just told us to help her to tell them cause her English wasn't so good. In fact: she didn't understand English. so usually during the whole tour, i feel like they lost out..

We were given 45 minutes to have a quick bite in the Airport.We headed straight for Paris baguette! So yummy! Kevin bought a sandwich and this strawberry yogurt. 

At the airport, Don't forget to get the free map that is available in chinese, english, japanese etc. It proved very useful when we went to Seoul later.

So recharged with food, we set off to our destination !

Provence Village (프로방스 마을)

Provence village is known as the Korean version of 'Provence'. We went in winter where it is supposedly the coldest in winter for korea. Temperatures were like -6/-7 when we were there. BRR...
We were told by our tour guide that this place is one of the best for bread or french pastries.
Alas, When we reached there, we were too early! The shops were starting to open at around 10 am plus.
The character of the place is so couple-ly. 
It felt very inviting, with many areas where you can take photos with your loved one. 


Odeng is basically a kind of thin fish cake. They serve it on a stick (as shown) and would have a sauce slathered on. It comes with soup. Its one of the popular street food in Korea.

SHIOKK ONLY. Its like light but flavorful. And when you are super cold and you drink HOT SOUP its like ADDED SHIOKKNESS. Winter makes the soup cool down quite fast though so must eat it fast!!

How to get there:
* Take the bus #200 from Hapjeong, Baekseok, Madu, Daehwa Station (Seoul Subway line 3) >> Get off at Seongdong Intersecion >> 10 - 15min walk (standard taxi fare)

* Take the bus #9709 from Seoul Station (Seoul Subway line 1) >> Get off at Maekgeum-dong >> Transfer to bus #2, #3 >> Get off at Provence Village

 * Take the bus #2200 from Hapjeong station (Seoul Subway line 3, Exit #1, #2) >> Get off at Seongdong Intersection >> 10 - 15min walk (standard taxi fare)

Petite France (쁘띠프랑스)

Tips for future travelling:

When going to any winter countries, its better to stuff your winter coat and gloves in your backpack. Reason being cause of weight and cause when you need a coat you don't need to open your luggage juuuuust to get it.

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