Batam Trip Part I

By | 3/05/2014 Leave a Comment

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The day to travel to batam is finally here, since we had to reach the Harbourfront Ferry Terminal at 7.30am we had to wake up early, we drove there and reached at 7.00am. As the kiasu Singaporean we were we quickly bought a simple breakfast from BreadTalk and went over to wait for our turn to enter the departure hall.

The only reasons I've every been to the Harbourfront Ferry Terminal was cause of going for a Cruise Trips with Super Star Cruise Lines, this is the first time I've ever been on a ferry ride.


Honestly, it was not pleasant , you ask why? Well let me list the differences.

Well for Cruise ships boarding it is extremely easy and orderly, queue lines were formed according to your cabin class (Admiral, Balcony and World Cruiser), as for ferry boarding it was every man for himself and just cut the queue where ever there is an empty slot. Although we were already queuing to board the ferry, when it was time to board people just walked to the front of the queue and just plainly cut through.


The ride to Batam from Harbourfront Ferry Terminal took about 45mins to an hour, the ferry we rode on was called the Pacific 7 and it was old, seats were stained but luckily did not stink. My partner got sea sick as the ferry bobbed up and down whilst travelling to Batam, luckily there was a show playing to keep her mind of her seasickness. As for those intending to go on cruises, but are fearful of sea sickness, fret not as you will feel as though you are on land.

 photo Sekupang_Ferry_Terminal_zps60008480.jpg

Shortly after an hour we reached Sekupang Ferry Terminal, luckily we got seats near the exit and we were the first few out of the ferry, we reached at around 8.45am Indonesia Time, but to our dismay we saw a massive crowd awaiting to be cleared and start their tour. Trust me the crowd was ridiculous it took us 20minutes to join the queue cause everyone was cutting in, and it took us another 20minutes to get cleared.

After clearing the Indonesian customs we tried to locate our guide and it took just a matter of seconds, we saw a group of people wearing the Best Batam uniform clad in white and blue, so we went over and the first guy we talked to had our names on his sheet of paper. He told us his name was Henry, and he asked us to pass him our White Card, Ferry Tickets and Tour Voucher along with the 8 dollar departure tax for our trip back tomorrow. Your guide will practically settle everything for you including your hotel stay and ferry back to Singapore (only experience for Best Batam Tours).

Henry told us that we were lucky and we were the first  of our group out of the customs, and most likely we had to wait about 30minutes for the rest of our group to be done with the customs.  We reached at 8.45am got cleared at at 9.25am and finally started our tour at  10.30am(Indonesia Time).

Post in construction, check back for further details.

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